NetworldEurope has been closely related to the 6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA). The 6G-IA (former 5G-IA) represents the private side in both the 5G Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) and the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU), while the European Commission represents the public side. NetworldEurope is a main supporter of these initiatives and has established links of close collaboration with its Working Groups as well as the preparation of its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) that plays a significant role in the 5G PPP Initiative and the SNS JU.
Relationship to 5G-PPP
As illustrated by the latest version of 5G PPP’s governance, NetworldEurope and 6G-IA have been actively collaborating in relevant areas. 5G-IA has been formally interacting with the European Commission through the 5G PPP partnership Board, and closely coordinating its Work Groups with the 5G PPP Initiative Projects, Work Groups and the Steering and Technology Boards.
Relationship to the SNS-JU
In the context of Horizon Europe, the 6G-IA, together with NetworldEurope and other leading ICT Associations (i.e., PSCE, AIOTI, NESSI, Cispe. cloud), submitted a proposal for an institutionalized partnership, called Smart Networks and Services (SNS). In November 2021, Council Regulation 2021/2085 established the SNS JU as a legal and funding entity as part of the 10 European Partnerships to step up the green and digital transition.
The SNSJU[1] has two main missions: fostering Europe’s technological sovereignty in 6G and boosting 5G deployment in Europe. As such, the SNS JU required a solid understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the European Research and Innovation ecosystem in the context of Horizon Europe for the next decade.
In the context of the SNS JU 6G-IA and NetworldEurope closely collaborate to ensure industrial leadership for Europe in 5G and 6G networks and systems, aligning with the SNS JU visions. As depicted by the latest SNS-JU governance model, NetworldEurope is responsible for releasing regular updates of its Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda (SRIA), which constitutes the basis for the Smart Networks and Services Partnership work programs, as captured by the collaboration agreement between both organizations. Moreover, the close collaboration between the 6G-IA Working Groups and the NetworldEurope Working Groups (started during the 5G PPP Initiative) continues during the SNS JU era.