NetworldEurope is the new incorporation of the European Technology Platform (ETP) for communications networks and services, the follow-up of NetWorld2020 to follow the European changing policies as stated in Horizon Europe. Communications networks and services enable interaction between users of various types of equipment, either mobile or fixed, to fulfil society’s requirements for interconnection. They are the foundation of the Internet and of our digital society. NetworldEurope ETP gathers players in the communications systems sector: industry leaders, innovative SMEs, and leading academic institutions, thus reaching out to a significant part of the European ICT community.

Latest News

Revised NetWorld2020 Governance Model approved

The Networld2020 membership and the members of 5G Infrastructure Association approved the proposed revised Networld2020 governance model on October 4, 2016 and the proposed revised 5G Infrastructure Association Statures on September 7, 2016. The approach of a direct link between Networld2020 and the 5G Infrastructure Association in 5G PPP by the election of the Networld2020…...

Second Global 5G Event on 9-10 November 2016, Rome (Italy)

The Second Global 5G Event: “Enabling the 5G EcoSphere” will take place November 9th-10th, 2016 in Rome, Italy  - Save the Date! All details about the event here...->...

If you are looking for SMEs to join your consortium for the upcoming 5G PPP Phase 2, have a look here to find the most relevant ones!

Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role to play in developing, piloting and deploying 5G technologies to address the needs of various vertical sectors. The 5G PPP is aiming at 20% participation from SMEs in the projects. It is important to provide industry and academia with a simple view of what expertise and…...

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