Accelleran participation in several national and European H2020 5G-focused projects enabled the different consortia involved to leverage on Accelleran’s RAN/vRAN Software Solutions and Small Cell products to enable new 5G architectural paradigms (virtualisation, slicing, edge computing,…) and advances required in future networks.
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Telcaria is an SME providing advanced services to network operators and equipment manufacturers worldwide. The company is currently working in three H2020 EU (5GEVE, 5GROWTH, and 5G-DIVE), collaborates as an expert in the Master of SDN&NFV technologies offered by UC3M and is currently actively developing Alviu, its SD-WAN solution.
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Founded in 2007, in Aveiro, Portugal, Ubiwhere is a high-tech SME that builds innovative, user centred software solutions with two core areas of application: Smart Cities and Telecommunications. Ubiwhere has been participating in the 5G-PPP program through Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3. This participation has fostered Ubiwhere’s position as an active part of the 5G ecosystem while opening doors to the creation of innovative solutions with great business potential.
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