EIGHT BELLS LTD (8BELLS) participates in the H2020 EU research project “GUARD: A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains”. More specifically, 8BELLS implements a Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) framework as part of the GUARD embedded monitoring, inspection, and enforcement tools.
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LioniX International has successfully prototyped a twenty-to-one optical beamforming module for the ESA Aidan Project. The modules will be incorporated into high-capacity phased array antennas by antenna manufacturer and project partner Viasat.
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EANTC is participating in 5G-VINNI and 5GASP Horizon 2020 European research projects, with a leading role in defining advanced test methodologies for complex 5G infrastructures comprising of NFV, SDN, Slicing, RAN, and Network Application.
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