IOT360:the gateway to Innovation”, 28 and 29 October 2014, Rome, Italy
The summit will focus entirely on IoT and the many facets of a complex path that leads from understanding technology and converting research into business. It will bring together industry representatives, makers, vendors, experts, developers and others to plan, learn, network, collaborate, strategize and more effectively tap into the immense potential of the IoT domain. Within the IOT360 Summit, we offer a wide set of activities such as panels covering new methods to accelerate in the market, monetize technologies and raise funds in Europe as well as tutorials and co-located scientific events covering IoT research results in a variety of application domains. In addition, the Summit includes an exhibition of new technologies from startups and companies, demos of projects and workshops. on how the internet has developed an extensive eco system for innovation and how to leverage this for bringing new ideas to the marketplace.
You can learn more about the Summit here: