On this page you can find Small and Medium-sized Enterprises – SMEs success stories and achievements, as well as their offer for 5G and more specifically for the 5G PPP and other related H2020 initiatives:


Each technological domain is shown with the logos of the SMEs who have declared expertise in the domain. The list and coordinates of all SMEs may be found below on this page. The table below summarizes the technological expertise of each SME. The list and coordinates of all SMEs may be found below on this page.

AccelleranXXXXRAN/vRAN Software Solutions, Products and Services5g iot ngi satcom
ACTA LtdXXXX5g iot ngi satcom
AppArtXXICT5g iot
ArctosXCloud, virtualisation, MEC5g
ARDIC Technology
ARDIC TechnologyXEdge Computing, Machine Learning, Vehicle Motion and Dynamics, Service Cloudiot
ArteevoXXXDLT, AI5g iot ngi
AUSTRALOXXXData, AI, Cloud5g iot ngi
Azcom Technology
Azcom TechnologyXXX5g iot satcom
Beia Consult International
Beia Consult InternationalXCybersecurity, Telecommunications & Data Communicationsatcom
C Tech Bilisim
C Tech BilisimXXXDefense, Aerospace and Satellite Technologies, Communication Systems, Cyber Security, Modeling and Simulation5g iot satcom
City Passenger
City PassengerXXXCloud, Edge Computing, Cybersecurity5g iot ngi
Cognitive Innovations
Cognitive InnovationsXXXX5g iot ngi satcom
CumucoreXXX5g iot ngi
CyberEthics Lab.
CyberEthics Lab.XXPrivacy Enhancing Technologies, Data Exchange, Identity Management, Social Acceptance of Technology, Ethics of AI, ICT, Electronics, Network Infrastructure5g iot
DeFuTech UG
DeFuTech UGXRural Connectivity5g
Digital Twin
Digital TwinXXVR/AR5g iot
EANTCXXX5g iot ngi
Easy Global Market
Easy Global MarketXXX5g iot satcom
eBOSXXXAI/ML, Graph Analytics5g iot ngi
eCom Learning Solutions
eCom Learning SolutionsXX5g iot
Eight Bells
Eight BellsXXX5g iot satcom
EpitomicalXXXXConnected & Autonomous Systems (and Services)5g iot ngi satcom
FivecommXXRadio Network Planning, 4G/5G user devices, IoT Platform, Immersive Telepresence, Mobile robots, Water smart meters5g iot
FundingBoxXXXAI, Data and Robotics5g iot ngi
Gigasys Solutions
Gigasys SolutionsXXArtificial Intelligent Algorithm development for wireless applications5g satcom
Holistic Innovation
Holistic InnovationXXX5g iot satcom
IMST GmbHXXXAutomotive, radar, LTCC technology, LoRa, LoRa WAN; chip design center; RF circuit design; terrestrial/aerial/maritime communications;5g iot satcom
IncelligentXXBig Data Analytics5g iot
InfolysisXXXChatbot applications, Edge-Cloud-IoT Continuum, Smart Networking5g iot satcom
Internet Institute
Internet InstituteXXXXCloud and Edge infrastructure, NFV, Network Apps, Non-Public Networks, Mission-critical communications, Cybersecurity5g iot ngi satcom
IquadratXXXEnergy management for smart grid applications5g iot ngi
IRIS Technologies Ltd
IRIS Technologies LtdXXMonitoring Solutions, Process Analytic Technologies (PAT), Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI)5g iot
is-wirelessXXX5g iot ngi
ITTIXXXX5g iot ngi satcom
KAAM Innovacion y tecnología SL
KAAM Innovacion y tecnología SLXXXXInternational Digital partnership5g iot ngi
KOHSXX5g iot
Level7XXXXCybersecurity5g iot ngi satcom
LioniX International
LioniX InternationalXXTelecom/Datacom, Positioning Navigation and Timing, Sensing, Security5g satcom
LiveUXXX5g iot satcom
M.B.I. Srl
M.B.I. SrlXXXOptimisation, machine learning, SDN5g iot satcom
Magister Solutions
Magister SolutionsXXX5g iot satcom
MartelXXXXGreen digital technologies. Quantum Computing, Cloud edge IoT.5g iot ngi satcom
MontimageXXX5g iot ngi
Nearby Computing SL
Nearby Computing SLXXXEdge Computing, Network Automation/Orchestration, NFV5g iot ngi
Nemergent Solutions
Nemergent SolutionsXXMission critical communications, FRMCS5g iot
NetAIXXiot ngi
NeutroonXXXPrivate 5G, LTE and Wi-Fi networks, network management, mission critical applications5g iot ngi
NextworksXXXSmart Factories. Edge & Cloud computing, SDN/NFV, Machine Learning, Network Automation5g iot ngi
Ng-voice GmbH
Ng-voice GmbHXXCloud-native solutions5g iot
NouveaucommXXAI, website development, cloud5g iot
OraxioXXTelecom/Datacom, Quality of Service, Security, Interconnection of Technologies, Unified network5g iot
PIC Advanced
PIC AdvancedXXPhotonic Integrated Circuits (PIC)5g satcom
pureLiFiXXLiFi5g iot
QuobisXXX5g iot ngi
Quotient Associates
Quotient AssociatesXXXX5g iot ngi satcom
Real Wireless
Real WirelessXXXX5g iot ngi satcom
Redmill Marketing Associates
Redmill Marketing AssociatesXXXSmart Technology5g iot satcom
RFSATXXXXAutonomous systems; GNSS; Earth Observation; 3D scanning/modelling5g iot ngi satcom
RunELXX5g iot
Sequans Communication
Sequans CommunicationXXXAeronautics5g iot satcom
Seven Solutions
Seven SolutionsXiot
SikluXXX5g iot ngi
SODIRA-ConnectXXXContent delivery5g iot satcom
Software Radio Solutions
Software Radio SolutionsXXXX5g iot ngi satcom
Suite5AI, Analytics, Explainability, Energy
Super Radio
Super RadioXX5g iot
Syndesis Ltd
Syndesis LtdXXXSecurity and Quantum communication networks5g iot ngi
TechNartsXXX5g iot ngi
TelcariaXXXPrivate networks, Edge Computing, Open Networking Solutions and SDN5g iot ngi
Tree Technology
Tree TechnologyXXiot ngi
Trust-IT Services Srl
Trust-IT Services SrlDevelopment of ICT solutions and digital processes, standardisation tracker for 5GPPP and SNS JU, and branding, communication & dissemination strategies for R&I 5G/6G projects
TSTXX5g iot
UbitechXXAI, security5g iot
UbiwhereXXX5g iot ngi
Urban Hawk
Urban HawkXXXLarge data real-time processing and analytics5g iot satcom
Vertical M2M
Vertical M2MXX5g iot
VisionaXXXAI5g iot ngi
WEST Aquila
WEST AquilaXXPositioning, Sensing, Energy savings, Artificial Intelligence for IoT5g iot
WINGS ICT Solutions
WINGS ICT SolutionsXXXXArtificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cloud/Edge, visualization (AR/VR/XR), Mobile Applications, Diagnostics, Intent-based Networking, Orchestration, Simulation5g iot ngi satcom
Zeeta Networks
Zeeta NetworksXXXNetwork orchestration5g iot ngi
Zenithwings, Lda
Zenithwings, LdaXXBlockchain, artificial intelligenceiot ngi


Each vertical sector is shown with the logos of the SMEs who have declared expertise in the domain. The list and coordinates of all SMEs may be found below on this page. The table below summarizes the vertical sectors in which each SME has expertise. The list and coordinates of all SMEs may be found below on this page.

SMEMedia & ContentTransport & LogisticManu- facturingHealthEnergySmart CitiesPublic SafetySecuritySmart agriculture / farmingTourism & CultureOthershf:tax:sme_tax_eivs
AccelleranXXXXXXenergy manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
ACTA LtdXXAquaculturepublic-safety smart-cities
AICOXXXXenergy health smart-cities transport-logistic
AppArtXXXXenergy health media-content smart-cities
ARDIC Technology
ARDIC TechnologyXXXXhealth manufactory smart-cities transport-logistic
ArteevoXXXXXXBusiness process automationenergy health manufactory media-content smart-cities transport-logistic
AUSTRALOXXXXXXXSecurity, Agriculture, Social Innovationenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Azcom Technology
Azcom TechnologyXXAutomotive, radar, home automation, industries 4.0health smart-cities
Beia Consult International
Beia Consult InternationalXXXXenergy health media-content transport-logistic
C Tech Bilisim
C Tech BilisimXXXXXXTelecommunicationsenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities
City Passenger
City PassengerXXXXXXXDigital Retailenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Cognitive Innovations
Cognitive InnovationsXXXXXXenergy manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
CumucoreXXXXXmanufactory media-content public-safety smart-agriculture-farming smart-cities
CyberEthics Lab.
CyberEthics Lab.XXXXXXEthics, Privacy, Social Acceptance of Technology, Ethics of health manufactory media-content security smart-cities
DeFuTech UG
DeFuTech UGXXhealth public-safety
Digital Twin
Digital TwinXXXmedia-content smart-cities transport-logistic
EANTCXXXXXXenergy manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Easy Global Market
Easy Global MarketXXAgriculture, Aquaculture, Waterpublic-safety smart-cities
eBOSXXXXFintechmanufactory media-content smart-cities transport-logistic
eCom Learning Solutions
eCom Learning SolutionsXXXXXXXR VR competency training & assessment, XR VR content creationenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-agriculture-farming
Eight Bells
Eight BellsXXXXXXenergy health manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
EpitomicalXXXmanufactory smart-cities transport-logistic
FivecommXXXXXXXSmart Mobility, Portsenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
FOGUSXXmedia-content smart-cities
FundingBoxXXXSmart Mobilityenergy manufactory smart-cities
Gigasys Solutions
Gigasys SolutionsXXXhealth manufactory security
Holistic Innovation
Holistic InnovationXXXAgrifoodmedia-content public-safety smart-cities
IDATEXXXXhealth media-content smart-cities transport-logistic
IMST GmbHXXXXXXXXXDrone communications, Educationenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety security smart-agriculture-farming smart-cities transport-logistic
IncelligentXFintech, Public Sectorsmart-cities
InfolysisXXXXXXXXEducation, Tourismhealth manufactory media-content public-safety security smart-agriculture-farming smart-cities tourism-culture
Internet Institute
Internet InstituteXXXXCritical Communications, telco infrastructure and services, critical infrastructure, Industrymanufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
IquadratXXenergy smart-cities
IRIS Technologies Ltd
IRIS Technologies LtdXAgrifood, Circular Economymanufactory
is-wirelessXXXenergy public-safety smart-cities
ITTIXXXXhealth manufactory public-safety smart-cities
KAAM Innovacion y tecnología SL
KAAM Innovacion y tecnología SLXXXXXAgri-food, food production chain certificationenergy health manufactory media-content smart-cities
KOHSXXXXXhealth manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities
Level7XXCybersecuritymedia-content smart-cities
LioniX International
LioniX InternationalXXhealth manufactory
LiveUXXXmedia-content public-safety transport-logistic
M.B.I. Srl
M.B.I. SrlXXXXXenergy media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Magister Solutions
Magister SolutionsXXXXenergy manufactory smart-cities transport-logistic
MartelXXXXenergy media-content smart-cities
MontimageXXXAll verticals (monitoring and security management solution applicable in all vertical sectors)health security smart-cities
Nearby Computing SL
Nearby Computing SLXXXXAutomotive, Entertainmentenergy media-content public-safety smart-cities
Nemergent Solutions
Nemergent SolutionsXXXXXXPublic Transport, Utilities and Industry, Critical Infrastructuresenergy health manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
NetAIXXXenergy media-content smart-cities
NeutroonXXXenergy manufactory smart-cities
NextworksXXXXXSmart Factories, Edge & Cloud computing, SDN/NFV, Machine Learning, Network manufactory media-content smart-cities transport-logistic
Ng-voice GmbH
Ng-voice GmbHXXXXXXXTelecommunicationsenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
NouveaucommXXXpublic-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
OraxioXXXXenergy manufactory public-safety transport-logistic
p-NETXsmart ports, PPDRtourism-culture
PIC Advanced
PIC AdvancedXXmanufactory smart-cities
pureLiFiXXXConsumer Electronics, Security & Defense, Smart Lighting, Smart Homemanufactory public-safety smart-cities
QuobisXXXXhealth media-content smart-cities transport-logistic
Quotient Associates
Quotient AssociatesXXXXXhealth manufactory media-content public-safety transport-logistic
Real Wireless
Real WirelessXXXXXXhealth manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Redmill Marketing Associates
Redmill Marketing AssociatesXXXXXXmobile network market evolution, product launch analysisenergy health media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
RFSATXXXXXXXXXenergy health media-content public-safety security smart-agriculture-farming smart-cities tourism-culture transport-logistic
RunELXXXXXXXDrones, AR/VR and moreenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Sequans Communication
Sequans CommunicationXXXXXXXTrackers, Telematicsenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Seven Solutions
Seven SolutionsXXFinancialpublic-safety smart-cities
SikluXXXmanufactory public-safety smart-cities
SODIRA-ConnectXXXXmanufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities
Software Radio Solutions
Software Radio SolutionsXXXXmedia-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
SOLIDSHIELDXDRM (video games), Defense sectormedia-content
Suite5XXXXXXenergy health manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Super Radio
Super RadioXMaritime transporttransport-logistic
Syndesis Ltd
Syndesis LtdXXKnowledge management and LLMshealth public-safety
TechNartsXXXhealth public-safety transport-logistic
TelcariaXXXXXXenergy health manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Tree Technology
Tree TechnologyXXXXXhealth manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Trust-IT Services Srl
Trust-IT Services Srl
TSTXXXXenergy public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
UbitechXXXXXXenergy health manufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities
UbiwhereXXXXXenergy manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Urban Hawk
Urban HawkXXXXInsurance and Fintechmedia-content public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
Vertical M2M
Vertical M2MXXXXXXenergy health manufactory public-safety smart-cities transport-logistic
VisionaXXXXXenergy health media-content public-safety smart-cities
WEST Aquila
WEST AquilaXXXStructural Health Monitoringenergy public-safety smart-cities
WINGS ICT Solutions
WINGS ICT SolutionsXXXXXXXhealth manufactory media-content public-safety smart-agriculture-farming smart-cities transport-logistic
Zeeta Networks
Zeeta NetworksXXXXSmart venues, Stadiamanufactory media-content public-safety smart-cities
Zenithwings, Lda
Zenithwings, LdaXXXAgriculture, Aquaculture, Forestshealth manufactory transport-logistic

List of SMEs

ARDIC Technology
Azcom Technology
Beia Consult International
Beia Consult
C Tech Bilisim
C Tech
City Passenger
Cognitive Innovations
CyberEthics Lab.
DeFuTech UG
Digital Twin
Easy Global Market
Easy Global
eCom Learning Solutions
eCom Learning
Eight Bells
Gigasys Solutions
Holistic Innovation
Internet Institute
IRIS Technologies Ltd
IRIS Technologies
KAAM Innovacion y tecnología SL
KAAM Innovacion y tecnología
LioniX International
M.B.I. Srl
Magister Solutions
Nearby Computing SL
Nearby Computing
Nemergent Solutions
Ng-voice GmbH
PIC Advanced
Quotient Associates
Real Wireless
Redmill Marketing Associates
Redmill Marketing
Sequans Communication
Seven Solutions
Software Radio Solutions
Software Radio
Super Radio
Syndesis Ltd
Tree Technology
Trust-IT Services Srl
Trust-IT Services
Urban Hawk
Vertical M2M
WEST Aquila
WINGS ICT Solutions
Zeeta Networks
Zenithwings, Lda

New! February 2025 Success stories

Accelleran has made significant strides in Open RAN and 5G/6G innovation through its involvement in numerous R&I projects across Belgium, the UK, and Europe. By integrating its dRAX Open RAN components into these initiatives, Accelleran has enhanced its product offerings, leading to commercial deployments. Notable contributions include advanced cloud-native RAN solutions, intelligent network slicing, and AI-driven RAN optimisation. Accelleran has played a key role in projects like 5GUARDS, 5GRuralFirst, 5GCity, and 5G-Enhance, fostering industry advancements. Additionally, the company is engaged in UK-DCMS initiatives and real-world deployments across various verticals, including smart cities, industrial automation, and renewable energy.
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ACTA has established itself as a leader in telecom solutions, delivering innovative zero-touch xDSL provisioning platforms to Greek Telecom Operators and advancing EMF monitoring through a Web Application deployed in Greece, Romania, and Paraguay. Actively participating in EU R&D projects such as CUSTODES, 6G-PATH, 5G HEART, and 5G TOURS, ACTA enhances cybersecurity in telecom infrastructures and implements 5G network monitoring solutions. Through these initiatives, ACTA has deployed network monitoring probes and a cloud-based management system, enabling precise measurement of 5G KPIs like throughput, latency, and reliability across different network segments.
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AppArt has positioned itself at the forefront of 5G, 6G, and digital transformation through its involvement in European and national R&D projects. It has contributed to key initiatives like 5G-SOLUTIONS, 5GMediaHUB, and 5G-TRAFFIC, advancing ICT, digital energy, and cybersecurity. AppArt also organised a 5GMediaHUB Hackathon in Athens to foster media-specific Network Applications. Currently, it plays a key role in Horizon Europe projects such as FIDAL, developing 5G/6G test infrastructures; DIGITISE, supporting citizen engagement in energy transition; and, CRACoWi, enhancing cybersecurity compliance. Additionally, it continues national projects like TelcoSNA and MedDietAgent, strengthening its telecom expertise.
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AUSTRALO has successfully driven visibility and adoption for science and deep tech innovations through its expertise in communication, dissemination, and stakeholder engagement across 30+ research initiatives. In Horizon Europe projects, it has facilitated AI and cybersecurity outreach in SPATIAL, contributed to digital trust discussions in COREnext, and advanced data analytics collaboration in EXA4MIND. AUSTRALO also played a key role in SYNTHEMA, supporting the HealthData4EU Cluster for healthcare data innovation. In 6G research, it leads engagement in PREDICT-6G and 6G-REFERENCE, with PREDICT-6G earning the “Best Social Media Presence” award at EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024. With a network of over 500 organisations, AUSTRALO continues to support cutting-edge research and innovation.
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Azcom Technology has successfully developed advanced wireless communication solutions across telecom, automotive, aerospace, and industrial applications. The company has contributed to key European projects such as 5G-NORMA, pioneering a multi-service network architecture, and 5G-CORAL, enhancing connected car technologies. In C-ROADS, Azcom integrated 5G into cooperative transport systems, while in 5G-Sensor@SEA, it deployed an NB-IoT network for container tracking via satellite. Expanding beyond telecom, Azcom has developed Cabin Guard®, a mmWave radar-based in-cabin monitoring solution for the automotive sector. In the industrial sector, its smart solutions enable Industry 4.0 and smart city applications. With ongoing innovation in machine learning and smart applications, Azcom continues its R&D efforts within Horizon Europe projects.
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Cogninn has achieved a significant milestone as the only Greek SME selected for the IPCEI ME/CT funding programme, contributing to Europe’s advancement in microelectronics and communication technologies. Within the “Communicate” workstream, Cogninn is developing beyond 5G virtualised and edge computing RAN technologies for emerging 6G use cases. Supported by an EUR 8.1 billion public investment unlocking over EUR 13 billion in private funding, the initiative fosters innovation in energy-efficient electronics and next-generation communication systems. Cogninn aims to introduce its first novel products by 2025, contributing to Europe’s digital and green transformation while supporting job creation and industrial growth across multiple sectors.
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Cumucore OY has successfully delivered an innovative 5G multi-hop solution to enhance maritime connectivity, addressing coverage challenges for vessels operating far from shore. As part of the 5G-Routes project, Cumucore deployed a system where two vessels with distinct networks were interconnected, allowing one to act as a repeater for the other. This approach significantly extended 5G coverage, reducing reliance on satellite communication and ensuring seamless connectivity even in remote offshore areas. Tested in ferry journeys across the Baltic Sea, the solution improves operational efficiency and passenger experience by maintaining high-quality communication throughout maritime operations.
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CyberEthics Lab. (CEL) has successfully pioneered the integration of ethics into technological innovation, ensuring that emerging technologies align with societal values and EU regulations. A key initiative is the 6G4Society CSA, where CEL applies its Social Acceptance of Technology (SAT) model to assess public acceptance, societal impacts, and ethical considerations of 6G. CEL also leads stakeholder engagement through workshops, such as the "6G and Social Impacts" event in Palermo, fostering early discussions on responsible 6G development. Recognised as a Key Innovator by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar, CEL continues to contribute to EU priorities, including AI standardisation and digital sovereignty, reinforcing its leadership in ethical technology development.
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Digital Twin Technology GmbH (DTT) has successfully developed advanced digital twin solutions tailored to industries such as manufacturing, construction, automotive, and ICT. Through EU-funded projects like IMOCO4.E, ENERGY ECS, and ASHVIN, DTT has contributed to industrial innovation by integrating AI, VR, and mechatronics into practical applications. In IMOCO4.E, DTT created a physics-based digital twin for chip packaging, enabling real-time anomaly detection using AI-driven image analysis. Additionally, its VR-based warehouse application for STILL in Germany enhances forklift navigation efficiency. With expertise in AI, machine learning, and virtual reality, DTT continues to push the boundaries of digital twin technology across multiple sectors.
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eBOS Technologies Ltd has successfully established itself as a leader in innovative software solutions, leveraging cutting-edge technologies across multiple industries. With expertise in AI, big data analytics, cybersecurity, and 5G, eBOS plays a key role in EU-funded projects such as 5G-ROUTES, where it leads innovation management and data governance. In ADROIT6G, it provides testbed facilities for 6G validation, while in RIGOUROUS, it develops an AI-driven threat mitigation framework. Additionally, eBOS contributes to zero-trust security in 6G-BRICKS and AI-driven experimentation in FIDAL. Actively engaging in EU research initiatives, eBOS continues to drive technological advancements in FinTech, Smart Cities, and autonomous mobility.
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Fivecomm has revolutionised 5G research by developing high-performance modems tailored for advanced experimentation and deployment. Through projects like 5G-RECORDS, FUDGE-5G, and 6G-SANDBOX, the company has engineered a versatile line of 5G devices, including the compact 5G Broad Light, the feature-rich 5G Broad, and the rugged outdoor modem. These solutions integrate Qualcomm Snapdragon X62 chipsets, ensuring cutting-edge Release-16 connectivity. Rigorously tested across leading European research facilities, Fivecomm’s modems deliver low latency, high throughput, and reliable performance for applications in IoT, robotics, and autonomous systems. Already adopted for drone-based 5G coverage measurements, Fivecomm’s innovations continue to drive the next generation of wireless connectivity research.
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Hellenic Drones has successfully contributed to the advancement of autonomous drone operations in ports through the TRITON project. By implementing advanced technologies for autonomous navigation and obstacle avoidance, TRITON enabled drones to adapt dynamically to port conditions, significantly enhancing safety and efficiency. Supported by funding from the European Union’s 5G-LOGINNOV programme, this ambitious initiative transformed operational practices in maritime logistics, paving the way for automation and innovation in port management.
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IMST has pioneered advanced lens antenna technology, enhancing high-frequency radar applications for industrial sensing and measurement. Through research projects such as HYPATIA and ASRA, IMST developed novel dielectric lens antennas that optimise radiation efficiency and beamforming, enabling precise, contact-free measurements in harsh industrial environments. Using 3D printing, these lenses offer high gain, low loss, and cost-effective manufacturing, earning IMST the 2023 EuCAP Best Applied Technology Antenna Paper Award. With applications in steel production, extrusion processes, and beyond, the technology is now transitioning to industrial use. IMST is also exploring lens phased arrays for 6G communication, contributing to national projects such as Komsens-6G and 6G-RIC to advance high-frequency multimedia transmission and agile beam steering.
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INFOLYSiS has successfully developed advanced chatbot solutions, transforming customer engagement and streamlining business operations across industries such as retail, tourism, education, and maritime. Through its participation in EU-funded projects like EVOLVED-5G, INFOLYSiS has expanded its chatbot applications into Industry 4.0, integrating 5G-enabled indoor localisation and network automation for industrial environments. Within EVOLVED-5G, its chatbot platform facilitates machinery maintenance, worker safety, and real-time technical support using location-based services. By enhancing automation and accessibility in industrial workflows, INFOLYSiS continues to innovate in AI-driven chatbot solutions, leveraging emerging technologies to improve efficiency and connectivity in enterprise and research environments.
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INTERNET INSTITUTE Ltd. (#ININ) has successfully developed and demonstrated a state-of-the-art private 5G mobile system, integrating cloud-native technologies and automation for critical applications. Through Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects such as Int5Gent, 5GASP, and 5G-LOGINNOV, ININ has advanced private 5G solutions with seamless deployment, slicing capabilities, and automated network operations. Its innovations have been applied in ports and public safety sectors, earning recognition from the European Commission’s Innovation Radar and the national DigiVzorniki 2023 award. With expertise in IoT, future internet, and non-public 5G networks, ININ continues to push the boundaries toward 6G technology.
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IQUADRAT R&D is developing advanced research tools for system-level evaluation of wireless integrated communication systems, contributing to multiple National and EU-funded projects, including the coordination of 5GPP initiatives MARSAL and 5G-MEDIAHUB. Specialising in 5G/6G platforms, IoT, and Smart Grid technologies, IQUADRAT is enhancing network virtualisation through SDN and NFV, integrating MEC and cloud-based solutions for optimised performance. Its 5G testing playground enables AI-driven traffic forecasting and dynamic slice reconfiguration using Deep Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning. Additionally, its IoT platform supports smart sensing and energy management, facilitating advanced testing for smart buildings and grid efficiency.
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Logiicdev successfully integrated industrial buses with ROS2 and FPGA for advanced robotic applications, leveraging 5G connectivity for real-time monitoring. This solution enabled the creation of a digital twin for precise simulation and control, enhancing operational efficiency. By incorporating various security protocols, we ensured robust protection of data across the system. The seamless integration allowed for faster decision-making, reduced latency, and improved safety in industrial environments. This project demonstrates how cutting-edge technologies like ROS2, FPGA, and 5G can transform the EU roadmap for automation, enabling secure, scalable, and real-time robotic operations in modern industries.
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Montimage is advancing secure and intelligent network solutions through its comprehensive monitoring and security management framework (MMT) for 4G/5G networks. As a key contributor to EU-funded projects such as INSPIRE-5Gplus, SANCUS, AI4CYBER, and SPATIAL, Montimage has pioneered innovations in network security, AI-driven cyber defence, and trustworthy AI. The company developed 5GReplay, an open-source tool for testing 5G network functions, and integrated its security management framework with Cumucore’s 5G core to create a highly secure, elastic, and automated 5G core network box. Additionally, Montimage has deployed secure 5G edge nodes and collaborated with major industry players like Orange, Thales, and Nokia to enhance network performance, security, and automation.
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Nearby Computing (NBC) is driving innovation in zero-touch network and service orchestration through its flagship NearbyOne Edge Orchestrator, enabling seamless management from a single interface. Actively contributing to EC-funded projects such as Affordable5G, 5GMED, and Smart5Grid, NBC is advancing solutions in smart grids, automotive applications, and affordable private 5G networks. Recognised by the European Commission’s Innovation Radar for four key innovations in cloud/edge orchestration, NBC’s work highlights its market potential and commitment to cutting-edge technologies, including Edge AI, Digital Twins, and Observability. With a strong focus on expanding into new industries, NBC continues to shape the future of edge computing and intelligent network automation.
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Nemergent Solutions has integrated critical communications with advanced video orchestration through its collaboration with Nuuk Technologies, enhancing safety and coordination in critical operations. As part of the FIDAL – Field Trials Beyond 5G project under the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU), Nemergent explored the use of 3GPP-compliant Mission Critical Services (MCX) within a Service Enabler Architecture Layer (SEAL) framework. This innovation enables AI-powered incident detection and real-time mission-critical video exchange, benefiting sectors such as public protection, railway communications, and maritime operations. With a modular, cost-efficient approach, the solution ensures seamless communication between field teams and command centers, strengthening emergency response and operational efficiency.
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Nextworks has developed XONET, a flexible and fully open 5G testbed designed to advance research, development, and innovation in telecommunications and edge computing. With extensive expertise in 5G/6G control and orchestration, built through participation in EU-funded projects such as ADROIT-6G, PREDICT-6G, and Hexa-X-II, Nextworks has aggregated its knowledge into XONET to address the challenges of R&D experiments with 5G networks. Unlike commercial 5G networks, XONET provides open interfaces, customisable deployments, and advanced monitoring capabilities, allowing researchers to validate architectures, test new technologies, and fine-tune applications in realistic conditions. Featuring virtualised deployments, multi-cluster edge/cloud platforms, and strong open-source integration, XONET enables seamless experimentation and interoperability, driving innovation in next-generation networks.
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RFSAT Limited has developed a high-precision 3D scanning system for cultural heritage through the H2020-SCAN4RECO project, achieving sub-millimeter accuracy with high-resolution DSLR cameras and CUDA-accelerated processing. This innovation was extended in the H2020-ARCH project to simulate material ageing in buildings, using machine learning to detect environmental degradation in historical structures like those in Hamburg’s canals. RFSAT also leveraged custom-built sensors and satellite data to model air pollution for urban heritage conservation. In parallel, it advanced GNSS technology with a sub-centimeter accuracy receiver in the H2020-AgriBIT project, originally for precision agriculture and later expanded to automotive and UAV applications. The receiver enhances photogrammetric 3D modeling and enables UAV-based crop monitoring, using machine learning to detect bacterial and pest infections with over 95% accuracy.
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RunEL has deployed a Beyond 5G cellular network in a Premier League football stadium in Petach Tikva, Israel, with support from the SNS JU TrialsNET project and the Israeli Innovation Authority’s 5G Pilots programme. Designed to ensure uninterrupted broadband connectivity for up to 20,000 spectators, the network enhances fan experience by enabling high-speed, low-latency applications in crowded environments. The deployment features a unique Stand Alone and Non-Stand Alone solution, integrating a private core for local applications and a Tier-1 operator public core for network access and billing, showcasing the future of high-performance mobile connectivity in large venues.
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A key player in the 5G/6G R&I ecosystem, Trust-IT Services is an Italian SME specialising in ICT research, communication, and the development of innovative web and mobile applications. Part of projects such as Global5G CSA, 5G-ENSURE, 6GStart, SNS ICE, and SNS OPS, Trust-IT has contributed to vertical engagement mapping, pre-standardisation gap analyses, and the creation of online platforms. Its Verticals Cartography has mapped over 250 use cases to track 5G adoption, while the Standards Tracker supports industry specialists in navigating the complex standardisation landscape. Leveraging insights from these tools, Trust-IT has provided strategic policy recommendations to the European Commission and key stakeholders. With strong international collaborations, the company continues to drive research, standardisation, and effective communication for future 5G/6G initiatives.
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Ubiwhere is driving innovation in Beyond-5G and 6G telecommunications through its participation in projects such as ETHER, Hexa-X-II, IMAGINE-B5G, 6G-Cloud, and 6G-Twin under the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU). These initiatives focus on advancing network architectures, AI-native cloud systems, and large-scale trials, strengthening Europe’s leadership in next-generation connectivity. Ubiwhere contributes by developing IoT computing platforms, integrating AI and machine learning for network optimisation, and enhancing Digital Twin technologies for real-time network management. By collaborating with major industry players like Telenor, Ericsson, Nokia, Siemens, and Orange, Ubiwhere continues to drive technological advancements, improve energy efficiency, and expand its role in the future of smart networks.
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WINGS ICT Solutions is enhancing logistics and production processes with AI and advanced technologies, focusing on sustainable transport, intelligent warehouse automation, and robotic material sorting. Its WINGSChariot platform integrates On-Board Units (OBUs), Road-Side Units, and IoT devices to enable real-time vehicle tracking, fuel consumption analysis, and AI-driven route optimization for reduced emissions. In warehouse logistics, WINGS optimises operations with 5G-enabled Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and AI-driven resource management, enabling obstacle detection, route optimisation, and remote monitoring. Additionally, its robotic material sorting system uses high-resolution cameras and AI-powered image processing for precise waste identification. Supported by EU-funded projects, WINGS continues to develop cutting-edge solutions for smarter, more sustainable industrial operations.
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February 2024 Success stories

Accelleran has successfully participated or is currently participating in many Belgium national, UK
DCMS and European 5G, Beyond 5G and 6G R&I projects where Accelleran’s dRAX Open RAN components and end to end solutions have been/are being used to drive the different consortium innovations.
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ACTA has been very successful in providing telecoms solutions, such as “zero-touch provisioning” xDSL CPE management platforms, in three Greek Telecom Operators. In addition, ACTA has developed an innovative Web Application which collects EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field) measurement results from compatible Narda EMF Stations, stores and presents these results through an intuitive web interface. The solution is currently deployed at the Greek EMF Authority as well as Romania, Paraguay Authorities.
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Azcom Technology is a leading company in advanced wireless communication, with two decades of experience in the wireless Telecom market.
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Cogninn is the only Greek SME member in the “Important Project of Common European Interest in Microelectronics and Communication Technologies” (IPCEI ME/CT) funding programme approved in 2023.
Particularly, Cognnin will be active in the workstream “Communicate - systems for fast, secure and reliable transmission of information”.
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CUMUCORE deployed private mobile networks for commercial Point of Sales (PoP) in outdoor events such
as concerts and festivals, with high reliable mobile connectivity for vending machines, sales points, etc.
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CyberEthics Lab. (CEL) has developed its own Responsible Research & Innovation (RRI) approach and holistic assessment framework embedding ethics, societal and regulatory perspectives.
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eBOS Technologies Ltd (eBOS) is a dynamic, innovative software powerhouse SME based in Cyprus, renowned for its cutting-edge e-business software solutions designed for global enterprise customers. With a strong commitment to research and technological advancement, eBOS has made significant strides in collaborative technological innovation by engaging with international research and technology organisations, industrial leaders, universities, research organisations and SMEs to bring best-of-breed technologies to its clientele and the wider community.
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The principle has been known for a long time: by placing a suitably shaped dielectric lens in the
aperture of a horn antenna, phase errors can be corrected, optimizing the antenna gain.
Such antennas are commonly found, for example, in antenna measurement technology or in classical radar systems.
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INFOLYSiS is a pioneering Greek SME headquartered in the vibrant city of Athens, Greece.
With a highly talented team of 16 dedicated professionals, INFOLYSiS has cultivated a deep understanding of the ever-evolving chatbot landscapes, specialising in the innovative design and
development of cutting-edge chatbot applications for several key industries.
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IQUADRAT R&D has a focused business plan specifically intended on delivering a “new generation of research tools for system level evaluation of wireless integrated communication systems”.
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Montimage is a French SME created in 2004.
It provides a complete network Monitoring and Security Management Framework (MMT) for 4G/5G based on intelligent distributed monitoring agents and application for delivering fine-grained and configurable network visibility; security and performance monitoring based on Deep Packel/Flow
Inspection and Machine Learning; automated management and control; and, customisable dashboards to define new collected statistics and configure new views or customise a large list of predefined ones.
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Nearby Computing (NBC) is currently participating in several EC-funded research projects on a diverse ecosystem of innovative use cases, including smart grid, automotive and affordable
5G private networks, among others.
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In the context of the H2020 project 5G-EPICENTRE, mainly composed of SMEs, Nemergent Solutions contributed to the creation of an experimentation platform characterised by a simple and user-friendly interface, with a comprehensive set of insightful functionalities, throughout a federated access to four different 5G testbeds and their associated scenarios.
Leveraging 5G-EPICENTRE’s infrastructure and its holistic toolset, SMEs and startups can perform an agile and simple 5G experimentation, to draw insightful and valuedriven conclusions, before addressing their transition to 5G/6G broadband networks.
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RFSAT Limited has been active in the area of highprecision GNSS positioning since 2004, when it carried out an industrial R&D project for Mitsubishi Electric VIL.
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Syndesis’ Trust-IT is an Italian nimble and dynamic SME specialised in research & communication in
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and developing innovative web & mobile applications across Europe and globally.
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Deployment of the WINGS STARLIT platform, on digital health and wellness, in the municipality of
Nea Filadelfeia / Nea Chalkidona.
WINGS ICT Solutions will enable citizens of the municipality of Nea Filadelfeia/Nea Chalkidona
(Athens, Attika region) to be remotely monitored in terms of health and wellness, while staying at
their homes, by exploiting the capabilities of the STARLIT platform and the domain knowledge of the municipality personnel.
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November 2022 Success stories

ACTA has been very successful in providing telecoms solutions, such as “zero-touch provisioning” xDSL CPE management platforms, in three Greek Telecom Operators. In addition, ACTA has developed an innovative Web Application which collects EMF (ElectroMagnetic Field) measurement results from compatible Narda EMF Stations, stores and presents these results through an intuitive web interface. The solution is currently deployed at the Greek EMF Authority as well as Romania, Paraguay Authorities.
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CyberEthics Labs has developed an innovative research and assessment methodology for the Social Acceptance of Technologies, the “SAT”, which includes the engagement of all the stakeholders, from developers to users, and aims to support them in integrating psychological, economic, legal, ethical and political values from the very beginning of the design process of new products and systems.
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Thanks to 5G-PPP projects such as FUDGE-5G, Fivecomm has developed the 5G BROAD router designed for connecting user devices to 5G networks through Ethernet or USB. It comes with an open operative system based on OpenWRT that permits any user to configure it and make changes in an easy manner.
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Incelligent’s core IP is a platform that has been developed out of years of R&D in the areas of Big Data, Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). By following best practices in data-driven development (DataOps), Incelligent has managed to incorporate the latest advances in Big Data systematically, ML/AI-related technologies in its product research and development processes, resulting in a diverse product portfolio that includes out-of-the-box and production-ready, AI/ML-based solutions, tailor-made for the Telecommunications, Banking and Public sectors.
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Internet Institute Ltd. (ININ) has successfully developed and verified Industrial IoT Gateway. This appliance assures secure, resilient and QoS guaranteed 5G connectivity for IoT devices such as various environmental, industrial, and cameras. The appliance has been developed within 5G-LOGINNOV project.
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Martel contributed to the Open Source MANO (OSM) enhancement for flexible cloud-native service deployments, developed within the Affordable5G project. OSM is an Open Source community-driven management and orchestration platform for Virtualized Network Functions (VNFs). OSM is being used in the ongoing Horizon 2020 Affordable5G project as an orchestrator for Cloud to Edge, 5 G-centric services.
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Montimage, along with Cumucore, has developed a solution combining their 5G core and Montimage’s security management framework (MMT now open-source) to obtain a highly secure elastic and automated 5G core network box. Montimage has also developed an open-source solution, 5GReplay (, launched in October 2021), that allows replaying 5G network traffic and performing scalability.
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Nearby Computing (NBC) participates in the H2020 (5GPPP) research project “Affordable5G: High-tech and affordable 5G network roll-out to every corner”. Affordable5G aims at creating a 5G network that will deliver a complete, disaggregated and affordable solution covering the needs of private and enterprise networks through technical innovation that spans across all parts of the 5G network, including Radio Access, Edge, 5G Core and Orchestration.
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The success story involves 3 SMEs from 5G-EPICENTRE and an academic partner providing a 5G testing platform. The joint work is devoted to Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) NetApps and associated capabilities. Especially on 5G Quality of Service (QoS) management as an enabler for advanced service operations, the usability of the 5G capabilities, and adjustment of networks for PPDR needs.
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As part of INSPIRE-5GPlus collaborative project and its numerous occasions to exchange views with its academics and industry (notably telco operators), Solidshield has broadened its windows, providing its solution with off-core functionalities.
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Syndesis’ success stories concern the development of innovative systems within the framework of international cooperation projects.
Via these activities, vertical solutions that utilize advanced wireless technologies are under development.
Syndesis’ main successful stories concern the vertical areas of cybersecurity, edge computing and healthcare services.
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The WINGS success stories are related to engagement in international cooperations, including H2020 and 5G-PPP projects. Through these activities, and especially 5G-PPP, vertical solutions that leverage on advanced wireless technologies have been conceived, while contributions have been made for the development and validation of various technology components.
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June 2021 Success stories

EIGHT BELLS LTD (8BELLS) participates in the H2020 EU research project “GUARD: A cybersecurity framework to GUArantee Reliability and trust for Digital service chains”. More specifically, 8BELLS implements a Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) framework as part of the GUARD embedded monitoring, inspection, and enforcement tools.
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LioniX International has successfully prototyped a twenty-to-one optical beamforming module for the ESA Aidan Project. The modules will be incorporated into high-capacity phased array antennas by antenna manufacturer and project partner Viasat.
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EANTC is participating in 5G-VINNI and 5GASP Horizon 2020 European research projects, with a leading role in defining advanced test methodologies for complex 5G infrastructures comprising of NFV, SDN, Slicing, RAN, and Network Application.
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December 2020 Success stories

Specialising in business-oriented DLT networks, Arteevo uses its deep expertise in the field to architect highly secure decentralized automation solutions for telecom networks, manufacturing, healthcare, energy, IT service management and more. Arteevo has initiated several projects by putting forward innovative solution concepts.
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IQUADRAT’s R&D department is involved in many National and EU-funded research projects. Under the framework of the 5G-PPP project 5G-PHOS, IQUADRAT has developed a software that enables SDN-based dynamic network resource management for 5G fronthaul configurations that optimizes the fronthaul’s grade of service and power consumption by adjusting the functional splitting according to the fronthaul load levels.
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Since 2016, Super Radio AS is leading the world’s first 5G Maritime communication project “LTE, WIFI and 5G Massive MIMO Communications in Maritime Propagation Environments (MAMIME)” funded by the Norwegian Research council. In 2019, Super Radio AS became the pre-5G test solution provider for the world's first fully electric and autonomous container ship.
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June 2020 Success stories

The participation of Azcom Technology in a couple of 5G PPP projects helped them improve their suite of software IPRs and hardware platforms to build and deploy commercial and special purpose solutions for cellular communications, automotive, aerospace, home automation and mobile applications, both in terms of products and services.
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The knowledge and innovation gained from the involvement of eBos in several 5G PPP such projects were fused into their solutions and services, allowing them to strengthen their expertise in 5G and apply it to different vertical domains such as Factories of the Future, Smart Energy, Smart Cities and Ports, Media & Entertainment, Transport & Logistics, and Autonomous Mobility.
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March 2020 Success stories

Accelleran participation in several national and European H2020 5G-focused projects enabled the different consortia involved to leverage on Accelleran’s RAN/vRAN Software Solutions and Small Cell products to enable new 5G architectural paradigms (virtualisation, slicing, edge computing,…) and advances required in future networks.
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Telcaria is an SME providing advanced services to network operators and equipment manufacturers worldwide. The company is currently working in three H2020 EU (5GEVE, 5GROWTH, and 5G-DIVE), collaborates as an expert in the Master of SDN&NFV technologies offered by UC3M and is currently actively developing Alviu, its SD-WAN solution.
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Founded in 2007, in Aveiro, Portugal, Ubiwhere is a high-tech SME that builds innovative, user centred software solutions with two core areas of application: Smart Cities and Telecommunications. Ubiwhere has been participating in the 5G-PPP program through Phase 1, Phase 2 and Phase 3. This participation has fostered Ubiwhere’s position as an active part of the 5G ecosystem while opening doors to the creation of innovative solutions with great business potential.
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