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Workshop On Green Telecom (Hybrid) on March 2nd 2022, CET 9:00 – 12:20, Beijing 16:00 – 19:20
March 2, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 12:30 pm CET
Workshop On Green Telecom (Hybrid) on March 2nd 2022, CET 9:00 – 12:20, Beijing 16:00 – 19:20
Rationale and objectives
Sustainability, in its terms of energy-saving and green systems, is an unavoidable topic today. For the telecom industry in particular, sustainability has a double understanding – on one hand, its own green considerations, on the other hand, its green transformative impact on other industries. This poses many challenges – e.g. how to evaluate these contributions to other industries, or how to consider the total carbon footprint for the telecom industry, amongst many others. In this context, NetworldEurope and CCSA, organized a workshop aiming to provide deeper understanding on the present and future needs and requirements of the green telecom, sharing the valuable experiences and practices of Europe and China. The event was held in a hybrid format with In person format (with very limited places) collocated with MWC Barcelona and a virtual format run using Zoom.
This workshop aimed to bring experts from different contexts and locations to exchange information and ideas, and help industry to enter a path of convergence and alignment.
Opening Rui Aguiar Opening Wen Ku
Panel discussion 1 Panel discussion 2
See the Event report here
Rui L Aguiar, Chair of the Steering Board of the NetworldEurope European Technology Platform, has been involved in research and strategic research management since 1988, having been involved (in multiple positions) in all European-funded framework programs. He was involved in the development of the NetworldEurope initiative, and the launch of the 5G-Infrastructure Association PPP, and has led the association before. He has been an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer on 5G in the last years, and has several hundred papers on communication networks and services. He is also the co-chair of the Networks and Multimedia area at Instituto de Telecomunicações, a Portuguese state-associated laboratory, and a Full Professor at Universidade de Aveiro.
Jyrki Huusko, vice-chair of NetworldEurope’s Expert Advisory Group has been involved in telecommunication and network research and research management over 20 years. He is research team leader at VTT Ltd, leading the 5G and Beyond Networks research team focusing especially on mission-critical networks and intelligent network resource management for future wireless and wired networks. He has been with VTT since 1998 in telecommunication research having several different positions in research and research management. Jyrki Huusko has contributed on several EU and national research roadmap and technology foresight whitepaper working groups on mobile network technologies, IoT and media & content distribution, as well as on research program definitions.He is also involved in 5G IA (6G IA) and its working group such as Trials WG where he is acting as a stream champion for smart city related trials.
NetworldEurope is the European Technology Platform for communications networks and services. Communications networks enable interaction between users of various types of equipment, either mobile or fixed. The NetWorldEurope European Technology Platform gathers more than one thousand players in the communications networks sector (industry leaders, innovative SMEs, and leading academic institutions) and aims to strengthen Europe’s leadership in networking technology and services so that it best serves Europe’s citizens and the European economy.
China Communications Standards Association (CCSA)
WEN Ku, Vice Chairman of the Board and Secretary-General of China Communications Standardization Association (CCSA), Professor of Engineering. He is entitled to the special government allowance of The State Council. He used to take positions in succession as Deputy Chief Engineer of Posts and Telecommunications Administration, Director of Data Communication Administration of Shandong Province, Deputy Director General of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, Deputy Director General of the Department of Science and Technology, Deputy Director General of the Telecommunications Administration, Director General of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Information Industry, Director General of the Department of Science and Technology, Director General of the Department of Information and Communication Development and News Spokesman of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.
Mr. Shizhuo Zhao, Senior Engineer, graduated from Beijing university of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT). He took positions in succession as engineer, senior engineer in China Academy of Telecommunications Research and Project Manager in Technology Department in China Communications Standards Association (CCSA). Now, he is the Director in International Standardization Department in CCSA.
China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) is an industry, national, open, and non-profit social organization composed of companies and institutes engaged in ICT standardization activities in China, and is committed to contributing to the development of ICT industry in China. In accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and consensus, CCSA establishes a work system that is enterprise-basic, market-oriented, combining production, learning, and research, and organizes information and communication standardization activities.
Mr. Shi Denian, is the Vice Chief Engineer of China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT). He also serves as Vice Chairman of TC11 of China Communication Standardization Association (CCSA). During 2001-2008 study period, he has attended the ITU SG12 conference as a Chinese expert. At present, he is mainly engaged in the research of industrial Internet, mobile Internet, Internet of vehicles, and Peak Carbon dioxide emission and Carbon Neutrality.
Content of the talk: Experience and challenges of Green and Low-Carbon Development in ICT. Presentation Video
Ms. Shi Ying, a senior expert of China Telecom Research Institute. Ying is heavily engaged in international standardization activities. She is currently Co-Chair of ITU Focus Group AI4EE WG3, Implementation of AI and Emerging Technologies for Environmental Efficiency. She also serves as Vice-Chair of Electromagnetic Environment & Protection Technical Committee of China Communications Standardization Association, which focuses on EMC and environmental issues. Ying leads several research projects on improvement of environment efficiency of 5G network by application of AI. She also works with the team to help China Telecom to develop a climate action roadmap, in order to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050.
Content of the talk: China Telecom’s Evolution Roadmap and Action Plan Towards Green and Low Carbon Network. Presentation Video
Mr. Luis Neves is CEO of the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) since 2017. Prior to that, from 2008-2017, Luis held the position of GeSI Chairman. Under Luis’ leadership, GeSI has become a globally recognized “thought industry leader” organisation in the field of ICT- sustainability with strong focus on the enabling role and positive contribution of digital technologies to climate protection. Before GeSI, Luis worked at Deutsche Telekom for over 15 years holding positions such as Head of Sustainable Development and Environment, VP of Corporate Responsibility and Chief Sustainability and Climate Protection Officer. Luis has also held positions and played relevant roles at European and international levels in organizations, such as the UN Global Compact Lead Group, Econsense -the German Sustainability Association, World Resources Forum Association and UNFCCC Momentum for Change Initiative. Luis was born in Portugal and obtained a degree in History from the University of Lisbon.
Content of the talk: Experiences and challenges of green ICT in Europe. Presentation Video
Mr. Steffen Roos is a Managing Partner at Detecon International GmbH with more than 20 years of experience in Technology and Management Consulting. He has extensive experience in Digital Transformation, Strategy Development & Innovation Management. He has successfully implemented projects in various industries. In the last years, he has built up a “digitainability” consulting practice at Detecon that deals with the interplay of digitalization and sustainability and develops strategies and projects for clients on their way to climate neutrality. The special focus here is on real contributions to identify and enable potentials through the meaningful use of digital technology. He currently holds the position of Chapter Head Business Technology with a seat in Detecon’s Global Executive Team and is responsible for Technology and Sustainability Advisory.
Content of the talk: Towards a green future – why industry standards and technology innovation must go hand in hand” – we see a lot of pressure on the ICT industry to help in sustainable development and change to green. For this, innovations are indispensable, but also common standards against which progress can be measured.”
Dr. Lutz Schade Key experiences:
Top technology management,
SVP Technology Europe,
Top governance (Supervisory Board memberships),
University research & lecturing,
Technical training & coaching,
Telecommunications advisor
Professor Peter J Williamson, Chair of the Global Issues Dialogue Centre at Jesus College, Cambridge and Professor of International Management, University of Cambridge. He leads Centre’s Digital Economy Governance project. He divides his time between teaching, research and consulting on leadership, multinationals (with a special interest in emerging market firms), M&A, and business ecosystem innovation and serving as non-executive director of several companies spanning financial services through whisky to green energy and digital transformation. The latest of his 10 books Ecosystem Edge: Sustaining Competitiveness in the Face of Disruption (2020), explains why building and leading a large and dynamic ecosystem of partners that reinforce, strengthen and help a company to innovate is now an important way to meet the challenge of disruptive competition.
Professor Willem Jonker is the CEO, EIT Digital, Belgium. Prof. Jonker has a broad background in ICT, both in industry as well as in academia. He studied mathematics and computer science at Groningen University, worked at Delft University of Technology, received his PhD from the University of Utrecht, and is a part-time full professor in computer science at Twente University.
Willem Jonker’s industrial experience covers telecommunications (KPN), IT (European Computer industry Research Centre, Munich) and consumer electronics (Philips). He held several positions as researcher, international project leader, department head, sector head, and account manager. In 2006 he was appointed Vice President Philips Research. Prof. Dr. Jonker has served European ICT research in various ways amongst others as project leader, reviewer, and advisor.
Content of the talk :Digital Technologies and the Green Economy
In its latest Makers & Shapers report, EIT Digital analyses the potential of digital technologies to achieve green growth in Europe. Can Europe’s accelerated digital transformation help to reduce non-green energy use or will an increasing digitalisation of business and industry on the contrary enhance consumption of non-green energy in the overall economy? Mr Jonker will present the main findings of the study and discuss potential scenarios for a sustainable digital future. Presentation Video
Mr. Regius Rahim Tafazolli is a Professor in Electronic Engineering. Fellow of Royal Academy (FREng), Fellow of IET, Fellow of WWRF. He is a professor of Mobile and Satellite Communications at the Surrey University in the UK, and is the founder/director of the 5G Innovation Center since 2012 and director of 6GIC since 2020. He advises many governments including UK Governments and local council, and has cooperated with Huawei for many years in advanced research.
Content of the talk: 5G and Beyond – Energy Efficiency Challenges and Opportunities. Presentation Video
Ms.Qi Shuguang, is the chairman of ITU-T SG5 and Chairman of ITU-T SG5RG-AP. She has been working in the field of ICT environment and infrastructure for more than 10 years. Currently she is the Vice Chief Engineer of CTTL-systems in China Academy of Information and Communication Technology (CAICT) and professor in Engineering. Her focuses include fundamental research, prospective study and standardization work in green and low carbon ICT. She is also Vice Chairman / Acting Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5; Chairman of the ITU-T Study Group 5 Asia pacific regional group; and Chairman of Working Group 1 / Technical Committee 4 (Power and environment for ICT) in China Communication Standardization Association (CCSA). She has developed near 20 Recommendations as a chief editor at the ITU, including Recommendation ITU-T L.1210, ITU-T L.1380 series Recommendation on smart energy. She is also an active participant of the domestic standardization activities in China and has been involved in developing more than 20 Chinese standards including National standards, industrial standard and regional standards. She received the first prize scientific reward from China Institute of Communications in 2013, first prize scientific reward from CCSA in 2017, and second prize scientific reward from CCSA.
Content of the talk: Energy saving and carbon reduction potential of digital technology and standardization. Presentation Video
Mr. Zhou, Fanke, Master of software engineering and electrical engineering, the product supervisor of Alibaba Cloud Energy Cloud. He has solid interdisciplinary background and broad industry vision, now is focusing on the research and development of digital products in the fields of “carbon neutralization” and “energy & power”. He has been deeply engaged in the field of “energy and power” for nearly 10 years and led several scientific projects in “smart grid”, and published more than 10 papers and patents at the same time. His team is dedicated into “Dual Carbon” strategy of China, and the digital products “carbon eye” and “energy cloud” based on AI and big data developed by his team has built a cutting-edge solution of “carbon neutralization” for government, enterprises and communities.
Content of the talk: Practice and exploration of digital innovation driving green and low-carbon development. Presentation Video
Dr Jukka K. Nurminen is a professor of computer science at the University of Helsinki. He has worked extensively on software research in the telecom industry at Nokia Research Center, in academia at Aalto University, and in applied research at VTT. His key research contributions are on energy-efficient software, mobile peer-to-peer networking, and cloud solutions but his experience ranges widely from applied optimization to AI, from network planning tools to mobile apps, and from software project management to tens of patented inventions. He has e.g. led the Green Big Data project with CERN and many research activities on mobile phone and cloud energy consumption. Currently, his main interests are in the engineering of machine learning systems, combining data science and high-performance computing, and software development for quantum computers.
Mr. Alvaro Valcarce is head of the department on wireless AI/ML at Nokia Bell Labs France, where he focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to problems in RRM, L2 and above for the development of 6G technologies. He received his PhD in 2010 from the University of Bedfordshire and his background is on cellular networks, optimization algorithms, machine learning and computational electromagnetics.
Mr. Xuemin Wang is the Vice President of Huawei European Research Institute.
Director of Huawei Europe Standardization & Industry Dept. He joined Huawei in 1995, served as Project Manager of Huawei B-Type Circuit Switching product, Vice General Manager of Product Testing Department, Vice General Manager of General Technical Management Office, Director of Standardization & Industry Dept, etc. Currently served as the Vice President of European Research Institute and also the Director of Europe Standardization & Industry Development Dept, responsible for implementing standard and industry strategy for European regions.
Also served as IIC Steering Committee member China Electronics Standardization association(CESA )Vice Chair of Board of Director, CCSA board member, etc., for the aim of building nice communication channels with external organizations, partners and customers in the multi-level standardization and industry development environment.