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4th Vision of Future Communications Summit, 7-8 November 2023, Lisbon
November 7, 2023 - November 8, 2023
Vision of Future Communications Summit (https://futurecomresearch.eu/) is a top-quality research workshop, oriented to identify key research areas in information and communication technologies in the mid-future of 7 to 10 years. It will follow from the previous event held in 2017, 2019, and 2021, considering that by 2030 6G will be reaching the market. Given the expected innovation cycle times, it is now appropriate that we start discussions on Innovations after 6G .
The Summit will cover multiple research lines, roughly structured along Physical Layer, Network and Control Plane, and Applications and Services. All sessions will be organized as panels of distinguished speakers from academia, industry and High-level European Commission officials presenting their viewpoints on a subarea within each track. Panels will be enriched with contributions from an open call to the community, and with sessions presenting long-term visions from different stakeholders.
Based on the public presentations and contributions of the international experts, NetworldEurope will update its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), the basis for the design of the upcoming Smart Networks and Services funding calls. An open call for new ideas will be used to select several speakers, presenting interesting ideas for future research. If interested, please send one page A4, with an abstract of the topic you would like to present, and a small rationale why this should be included in the EU research roadmap. The document should be sent to jose.cabaca@av.it.pt, until 05th October 2023. Since the number of open call slots is not large, we urge you to send your proposal as soon as possible. Program will be made public in early October.
On the previous day, an expert workshop on Towards Realistic Usage of AI in 6G Networks will be held, discussing the challenges of exploring AI in communications research.
For further information https://futurecomresearch.eu/
See the VFCS 2023 report here